If a person could be cloned, would all of the clones go to heaven?

Caller:  I know they can’t, but if they clone me or something like that and if there were two of me, would both go to Heaven if I were saved?

Pastor Doug:  That’s a first I’ve never had that one yet!  Keep in mind, this cloning that they’re doing now, they’re taking a person who’s alive and walking around – or even if it’s a sheep – and they take some of the DNA and they use that to make a copy, the first one is always going to be older than the second.  They’re not stamping people out of a mold where you’d have two the same age.

Caller:  Ok.

Pastor Doug:  And if you, for instance, had someone who had all the same genetic makeup, by virtue of their experience and upraising and the things they go through, they would still be a different person – because their experiences would be different.

Caller:  Ah ok.

Pastor Doug:  And so, you’d each be individual souls.  I hope it never comes to that.  Ok?

Caller:  Yes ok.  Thank you for answering my question.

Pastor Doug:  Good question.  God bless.

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