Jesus Christ
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Born of a Virgin
Born in Bethlehem
Of the Tribe of Judah
Descended from King David
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Entered Jerusalem on a donkey
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The Most Amazing Prophecies
Jesus Christ
Prophecies of His Birth
Born of a Virgin
Born in Bethlehem
Of the Tribe of Judah
Descended from King David
Prophecies of His Resurrection
Body would not decay
Conquered Death
Rose from the dead after three days
Prophecies of His Life and Ministry
Preceded by a messenger
A healing ministry
Entered Jerusalem on a donkey
Anointed on Time
Historical Accounts
Non-Christian Writers and Historians
Prophecies of His Sufferings and Death
Betrayed by a friend
Lots cast for His clothes
Beaten and Spat Upon
Cried out to God
Meaning of the Antichrist
Beasts and Horns
Rise of the Antichrist
Acts of the Antichrist
Future of the Antichrist
The Antichrist Revealed
Signs of the End
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Mysterious Animal Deaths
Floods, Fires, Storms
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666 and the Name of the Antichrist
666, what does it mean? For many people, just saying the number conjures up ominous images of secret occult ceremonies and evil powers of apocalyptic prophecies. Others have refused phone numbers, license plates and even credit cards that might contain the number 666, because of their fearful superstitions. One of the longest words in the English language describes this phobia. It’s known as hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia. I’m sure I said that wrong.
For many years, Highway 666, running from Gallup, New Mexico to Monticello, Utah, was named the devil’s highway because of the scripture that identifies the number with the beast of Revelation. This satanic connotation combined with an unusually high fatality rate convinced some people that the highway was cursed. The problem was compounded because satanist or somebody was chronically stealing the highway signs as souvenirs. In 2003, the US Highway Department decided to rename Highway 666 as US Route 491.
The bible says, “Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast for it’s the number of a man and his number is 666,” Revelation 13:18. We don’t have to be afraid of the number 666. It’s the natural number sequentially that follows 665 and preceding 667. Nevertheless, mathematically, 666 is a very unique number. It’s an abundant number. It’s the sum of the first 36 natural numbers. In other words, if you add up one plus two plus three plus four plus five on up to 36, it adds up to 666.
Yes, that would also mean that if you add up all 36 slots on a roulette wheel, the resulting total is 666. It’s probably also worth mentioning the ancient Jews followed the lunar calendar that had 360 days in a year. 666 is also a triangular number since 36 is both square and triangular, 12 plus 12 plus 12 equals 36 and of course, 222 times 3 is 666. 666 is also the sum of the square of the first seven prime numbers. An example, 2 squared plus 3 squared plus 5 squared plus 7 squared plus 11 squared plus 13 squared plus 17 squared adds up to 666.
Even organic molecules are based on Carbon-12 with 6 protons and 6 neutrons in the nucleus surrounded by 6 electrons. There’s more. If you add up the first six Roman numerals, I-V-X-L-C-D, the resulting total is absolutely 666. With all of these in mind, it makes one wonder why the book of Revelation tells us that this mysterious number is the key to identify the last day beast and the anti-christ. If you like to understand this subject, then please go to my message found at www.666truth.org.
The Prophecy:
For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. (Psalms ...
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Entered Jerusalem on a donkey
The Prophecy:
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, ...
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Anointed on Time
The Prophecy:
Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end ...
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